Summer vegetable seedsProducts found: 490

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The head of this variety is covered by dark green leaves. Its heart is lighter and lighter green. It easily grows in all kinds of soil. It does not need direct exposure to sunlight. It needs to be watered frequently but with a little quantity of water.
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This variety has big and wavy leaves. They are green but become dark red at the ends. It easily grows both in a greenhouse and in open field. It is widely used in cooking thanks to its delicate and particular flavour.
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This rustic variety has a big and indented foliage.  The green leaves have red spots. It is very resistant to high and low temperature, but without excesses.
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Romaserra lettuce is ideal for cultivation in greenhouses and in the open field. Being very productive, this species gives birth to a vast amount of lettuce with large light-green leaves. The compact tuft of this variety can be transplanted in any season because of its tolerance to high and low temperatures.  
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 The friar's beard lettuce is a species with a very solid tuft to be eaten fresh and seasoned straight into a salad, surrounded by tight and extended medium-sized leaves. Its main color is bright green. Once harvested, this salad grows back very quickly.
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These seeds are a very common variety in Mediterranean cuisine. The lettuce is born as a rather compact head, represents a species that can be consumed also as cutting lettuce. The light green leaves are curly and crunchy. It can be cultivated all year round.
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These seeds are a variety suitable for greenhouse and open field cultivable all year. The leaves are curled of a beautiful bright green. Sweet and tender, they are also used to decorate the dishes. The growning cycle is about 30/50 days.
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These are seeds of a fairly early variety, both head and cut, and easy to grow. The head is open, with jagged-edged leaves that are tender and sweet. It is suitable for spring, summer and fall harvests. It has a growing cycle of about 30/60 days.
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These are seeds of a variety that is easy to grow even in summer. The leaves are tender and sweet, varying in color from green to dark brown. The cultivation cycle is about 30/60 days. After cutting, it revegetates quickly. It is excellent for salads.
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These seeds are a variety that can grow all year. Its growing cycle is about 30-60 days after transplantation to the soil.  This variety of lettuce has leaves of a characteristic dark brown color on the outside of the leaf and green inside and it looks like a basket with large jagged leaves. 
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These are seeds of a rounded stump variety with smooth leaves. It can be grown more or less all year  although it is preferable to transplant them towards spring. They are ideal for cultivation in the field, greenhouse or pot. The leaves are broad, bright green.
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These are seeds of a variety typical of the Roman area and of central Italy. This variety has an elongated head with dark green leaves, wide white and crispy coast. It can be used as a cut or as a head and it is excellent in salads.
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