Summer vegetable seedsProducts found: 490

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[900.000 SHU][C. Chinense] The 7 POT WHITE pepper is a variety from the Chaguanas. It is said to be able to make 7 pots of stew hot, hence its name. The seeds give dishes an exquisite, intense and very spicy flavour. 
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This variety of seeds is very productive and it doesn’t need any support during its growth. Tomatoes are not very big and they have a deep red or dark green colour during ripening. They are ideal to be eaten raw, thanks to its sweet and intense flavour.
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This variety of seeds grows quite easly and it adapts to all kinds of soil. It needs frequent watering, but without any excesses. Its deep red fruits are egg-shaped and the peel is thick. After harvesting, they can be dried and eaten later on in winter.
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This variety of seeds grows quite easly. It doesn’t need any specific care, but it needs constant and controlled watering. Its fruits are medium sized and have an elongated shape, with a thick and compact peel. They have a sweet and intense taste and  are particularly suitable for sauces. When completely ripe, they have a peculiar bright red colour.
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This variety of seeds is very vigorous. Its peculiar shape protects tomatoes from direct exposure to sun rays. They are oval, with a pear shape at the bottom. When completely ripe, they get a deep red colour.
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This variety of seeds is ideal if the transplant occurs in April or May. It is easy to grow, since it doesn’t need any specific care. However it needs to be watered regularly. Its fruit has an elongated and smooth shape. It is quite compact and tasty.
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This variety of seeds is peculiar for its oval shape fruits, with a slightly pointed apex. Its thick peel is dark red. Storing the tomatoes on “piennolo” (top) bunches, their peel and flesh become darker in time. Their taste is very intense and have a high resistance that is due to the peel texture, to the firm junction to their stalk and to the high...
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This variety of seeds is vigorous and very resistant to diseases. It generates clusters of medium-small bright red tomatoes, which have an oval shape, slightly elongated. They have a sweet and savory taste.
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This variety of seeds is ideal for transplant in March and harvest in June. It produces clusters of tomatoes with a thin peel. This variety of tomatoes is red, with a green collar. Thanks to their sweet and succulent taste, they are ideal to be eaten raw or in salads.
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This variety of seeds needs soils which are well fertilised (especially with mineral fertilisers). Its leaves are similar to the ones of potatoes. Its fruits have a great taste. They are deep red and they can be very heavy.
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This rustic variety of seeds has Apulian origins. It produces clusters of small red tomatoes that, after harvesting, can be preserved also in the winter season. They have a pointed apex.
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Semi di una varietà molto rigorosa che dà origine a frutti tondi, costoluti e di grandi dimensioni, che possono arrivare a raggiungere un peso di 1,3 kg. A maturazione completa sono di un color rosso chiaro con striature verdi.
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This variety of seeds is typical of the Campania region. It is peculiar for its yellow colour. Its yellow “piennolo” (top) is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Tomatoes have a thick peel and a compact flesh and, after harvesting, they can be left hanging in a place that is not too cold.
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[900.000 SHU] A very special variety resulting from crossing a Trinidad Moruga Scorpion and a 7 Pod, 7PoT Bubble Gum Seeds are extremely spicy and give your dishes a great fruity taste
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This San Marzano hybrid variety seeds is very productive and vigorous. Its fruits are round and yellow and they have a very tasty flesh. Thanks to its texture it is widely used to prepare sauces and peeled tomatoes.
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This variety of seeds is peculiar for its color, ranging from orange red to dark green on the top. These tomatoes have a sweet and slightly sour taste and, after harvesting, they can be eaten raw or to prepare sauces.
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This very productive variety of seeds is ideal for a transplant between April and June. It produces big fruits to harvest at the end of summer. They have few seeds and a plentiful pulp. Their peel is dark yellow. They are very tasty and they are ideal to be eaten raw and to prepare sauces.
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This variety of seeds grows on the slopes of Vesuvius. Harvest occurs between June and October. Its fruits are oval, with a slightly pointed apex. Their peel is bright red, smooth and soft. They have a sweet and slightly sour taste, so that they are ideal to be eaten raw or in salads.
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[900.000 SHU][C.Chinense] Very original and colourful chilli pepper, MiniGum Orange seeds have a fruity and very spicy taste.
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[900.000 SHU] Variety with many different shades: green, white, yellow, pink, purple and yellow. Extreme but not excessive spiciness 
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[900.000 SHU][C.Chinense] The famous chilli pepper of a thousand colours with purple shades. Beautiful, special and spicy but not overly hot.
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[900.000 SHU][C.Chinense][F1] Italian Trinidad Moruga Scorpion variety discovered by chance. Seeds give dishes a very spicy and aromatic flavour.
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[850.000 SHU][C.Chinense][F1] The name of this chilli comes from one of its main characteristics: beauty. This chilli plant, which has shades of black, purple, light and dark green, was the most beautiful of the 2020 season. The fruits are red and remind us of Bhut jolokia in their shape, taste and spiciness
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[850.000 SHU] Bhut Jolokia Peach seeds from the Bhut Jokolia family, grown in the Indian territories, boast a very high spiciness and a strong flavour
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