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Summer vegetable seeds

Seeds of an early species, that only requires a proper watering regimen. The peppers are yellow and very large in size, with a tough skin. The flesh is juicy and crisp, the flavor sweet and tasty. 
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Seeds of a very early and high-yielding species, suitable for both open field and greenhouse cultivation. The resulting peppers have a square shape, an intense red color and can reach up to 300 grams in weight. The pulp is thick and has a sweet taste.
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This particular variety is very famous for its sweet taste and excellent digestibility. Sowing takes place during the cold months and transplanting between March and June. Peppers are of a deep yellow color, with some green nuances according to the level of ripeness.
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Seeds of an early, disease-resistant variety. The resulting peppers are yellow and squared, with a sweet, thick and fleshy pulp. The first fruits must be cut off when small, in order to better help with the development of the plant. Transplanting in the garden should be done between March and June.
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Seeds of a medium cycle variety, particularly suitable for greenhouse cultivation. The plant is very tall and vigorous. The fruit has a square and slightly elongated shape. The color changes from dark green to deep red when fully ripe.
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Seeds of a variety that requires good sun exposure and well-drained soil. The fruit has a sweet, thick and crisp pulp, and a deep red color that becomes particularly shiny when fully ripe.
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Seeds of a vigorous variety. Peppers are large and sweet, with a thick and bright red flesh. The plant grows best in well-fertilized soil, slightly shaded especially in summer to avoid sunburn.
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Seeds of an easy-to-grow variety that produces peppers that are 11-17 cm long, whose color changes from green to purple-red when fully ripe. They have a sweet taste and a distinctive trait, that is a thin skin with a low water content which allows for quick drying. Peppers are consumed both green and red, in a great variety of forms and culinary...
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Seeds of a high-yielding species that produces large fruits, weighing over 5 kilograms. The skin is bright green, with dark streaks. The flesh is yellow, crunchy and very juicy.
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Seeds of a grafted and usually quite early plant. It produces large quantities of large fruits, elongated in shape and dark green in color, with light streaks. The flesh is deep red, without fibrous filaments and easily digestible.
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Seeds of an early and very vigorous species. The plant is invasive, and its shoots can grow up to 3 meters. The fruits are round and large, weighing more than 12 kilograms on average. The skin is dark green, with many streaks of lighter color. The pulp acquires an intense red color, has a non-fibrous and crunchy consistency.
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Seeds of a hybrid and high-yielding variety. The plant has dense foliage, and adapts easily to both greenhouse and field cultivation. The watermelons are uniform, long and can weigh up to 15 kilograms each. The skin is very hard and dark green in color, with light green streaks. The flesh is crisp and particularly sweet.
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Seeds of a variety with a characteristic dark skin and a bright red, juicy and almost completely seedless pulp. Cultivation takes place in the summertime, specifically between June and September.
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Seeds of a very early variety, which produces smaller watermelons, weighing about 3 or 4 kg. The skin is dark green with lighter streaks, and the flesh is red and juicy, with very few seeds. Its size makes it ideal for consumption by a four-person family.
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Seeds of a variety typical of southern Italy. Watermelons are round and not too big. The skin is dark green in color, tending to black. The flesh is sweet and juicy, with very few seeds.
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Seeds of a fairly new variety. The watermelons' size ranges from 2 to 6 kilograms. The smooth skin has wide, light green streaks. The flesh is bright red and contains small white seeds that are practically imperceptible. In the most temperate areas, the cultivation period goes from April to September.
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Semi di una pianta con portamento alto che genera melanzane di una forma allungata, e una pigmentazione molto scura che tende al nero lucido una volta che il frutto raggiunge la fase di maturazione. Questa varietà di melanzana può raggiungere approssimativamente 25 cm di lunghezza.
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Seeds of a medium productive kind of excellent quality. The shape of the eggplant is oval, a little alongated and its colour is white with purple stripes. They are pulpy and soft, their compactness is really good and they haven’t seeds. The flavor is sweet and delicate.
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Seeds of a productive species. These seeds, for its ideal development, require the intensity and warmth of the sun's rays and a very frequent watering.  Eggplants, when fully ripe, have an elongated shape and a dark purple color.
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Seeds of a luxuriant species that grows best in a rather light, humid and soft soil, and prolonged exposure to sources of heat and sunlight. The spikes are formed by yellow grains, of a lighter color in places.
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Seeds of an early plant, producing a large quantity of very long spikes. Corn kernels are small and golden yellow in color.
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Seeds of a species that requires little irrigation and can be easily grown under cover. A vegetable very rich in A and C vitamins and low in calories, this variety of zucchini produces long, light green fruits.
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Seeds of a very productive and sturdy plant. Transplanting in open field is done from April to July. The fruits have a fairly narrow shape, can exceed 15 cm in length and have a very light green color, almost tending to white.
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Seeds of a very productive and vigorous species. For germination, the soil temperature must reach at least 20°C. To avoid the formation of more male flowers, a rich soil and abundant watering are required. The fruit is dark green, with ribs of a lighter shade.
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Seeds of a strong, hardy and productive species. The fruit is smooth, cylindrical and bright dark green in color. If the plant is treated well, the resulting zucchini can reach up to 19 cm in length and stay fresh for a long time after harvesting.
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Seeds of a vigorous and early species, which produces round fruits of a light and bright green. The plant prefers well-fertilized soils and a permanent exposition to the sun. In the kitchen, it is often cooked stuffed.
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Seeds of a highly productive species, particularly suited for harvesting zucchini flowers. The transplanting takes place from February to August. After about one month, it is possible to harvest the flowers, whose culinary preparations can be many.
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Seeds of a very high quality species, suitable for both open field and greenhouse cultivation. The zucchini have an elongated shape and light green ribbing. The interior is whitish in color and very sweet.
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Seeds of a hybrid variety originally from North America, which produces cylindrical fruits of a light and bright green color, very uniform, with white and crispy pulp and a delicate sweet taste. In summertime it reaches higher-than-average productivity levels. 
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Seeds of a variety originated in the Ligurian coast. It can be harvested as a zucchini early on in its life cycle, or when fully ripe as a pumpkin. Easy to cultivate, it can be easily preserved as well. It has a pretty elongated and curved shape, with a round base. It can be light green or yellow in color.
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Seeds of a particularly vigorous and productive variety, whose light green fruits reach a good size (20-25 cm), have a marked ribbing and a very long-lasting flower with a rather wide attachment.
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Seeds of a very productive variety that produces long, cylindrical, bright yellow fruits. This variety is suitable for open field or greenhouse cultivation, not in vase. Sowing is done in spring and harvesting takes place in summer.
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Seeds of a very productive and early variety that prefers cultivation in the field and lots of light, whose flowers last long even after harvesting. Fruits are 22-34 cm long, lightly ribbed and light green in color.
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Seeds of a hybrid variety, suited to both greenhouse and open field cultivation. The plant has an upright, open foliage that facilitates harvesting. The fruit is round, medium-sized and bright yellow in color. 
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Seeds of a vigorous and high-yielding species. The plant can be grown hanging or in the ground. The color of the fruit is a light green, while the shape depends on the type of cultivation. In terms of size, the zucchini have a diameter of 5 cm and can exceed 1.5 m in length. 
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Seeds of a highly productive species, which produces large, round fruits, flattened at the poles. The skin is dark green and is covered with large outgrowths. The flesh is yellow-orange in color, without fibrous filaments. The taste is exquisitely sweet.
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Seeds of a productive and easy-to-grow variety. The plant should be watered a lot for optimal growth. The resulting pumpkins are round and flattened at the poles, with deep ribs. Of a light ochre color, it can easily exceed 10 kilograms in weight. The flesh, thick and tasty, is suitable for both sweet and savory recipes.
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Seeds of a Californian species, with a medium-early cycle and high productivity, which is suitable for both greenhouse and open field cultivation. The plant produces uniform, slightly tapered, bright green shoots with violet hues at the tips. 
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Seeds of a hardy, late but high-yielding species. Cucumbers have an elongated, vaguely curved shape and a very light green color. Harvesting should be done when the vegetable is still immature, before it reaches 50 centimeters in length, and it is best when eaten raw.
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Seeds of a high-yielding species. The plant requires draining soil and long exposure to heat, and is easily grown in both greenhouses and open fields. The generated cucumbers are elongated in shape, weigh about 200 grams and do not take on any pigmentation. Harvesting should be done every 2-3 days. 
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Seeds of a hybrid, early and very productive species. The plant requires well-drained soil for ideal development. Cucumbers have an elongated shape and reach an average of 20 centimeters in length. The skin is smooth and dark green in color.
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Seeds of a hybrid, early and high-yielding species. The plant prefers fields exposed to the sun and in not very windy areas, and must be watered frequently but not excessively. Cucumbers have a cylindrical, thin shape and a dark green color. The inside is tender and sweet, making this variety highly digestible. 
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Seeds of an early, hardy and very productive species that prefers open field cultivation. Cucumbers are cylindrical, very short and light green with dark spines. This variety is ideal for pickling.
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Seeds of a Dutch, early and very productive species. The plant is mainly suitable for greenhouse cultivation. The cucumbers, particularly digestible, have an elongated shape and can exceed 25 centimeters in length. The skin is smooth and dark green.
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Seeds of a variety with Apulian origins. It resembles a melon but has the characteristics of a cucumber. This variety is consumed at the immature stage, raw, without seasoning or with a pinch of salt, in salads or to accompany first courses. It has a green skin and the flesh is almost white.
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Seeds of a variety typical of southern Italy, particularly suitable for greenhouse cultivation. With their characteristic bright green color, these cucumbers have a slightly elongated shape and are not too long.
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Seeds of a very productive variety, which generates small cucumbers particularly suitable for pickling. Harvesting should be done 45 to 65 days after sowing.
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Seeds of a very productive plant of the riminese variety, that can be cultivated in the field or in the greenhouse. The fruits are dark and bright purple, can be up to 27 cm long and 200 gr heavy, the calyx has got little thorns. The production is late.
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Seeds of an early, French variety that is highly prized. The plant grows tall and prefers soil rich in nitrogen fertilizers. Pods are medium in length, 13-14 centimeters, and have a light green color, without threads. The seeds are small and lack pigmentation. 
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Seeds of a productive and early species. Dwarf plant that originates fleshy pods, initially purple in color and then dark green after cooking; the seeds are brown. This variety needs full sun exposure. 
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Seeds of a productive, medium-cycle species. Pods are yellow, long and flattened, medium in size and stringless. The seeds inside are oval and black in color. Sowing takes place from April to July, while harvesting is to be carried out three months later. 
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Seeds of a very early, productive and hardy species that is suitable for both greenhouse and open field cultivation. Pods are large and glossy green in color. Seeds, when fully mature, turn black. 
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Seeds of a species perfect for both greenhouse and open field cultivation. The plant, with an erect stem, is sturdy and vigorous. The pods are just over 15 cm long and, like the seeds, sport a light cream color with red flecks.   
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Seeds of a relatively early species. The pods have an elongated and flattened shape, are green in color and stringless, while the seed has a white coloration. This variety is particularly suitable for open field cultivation. 
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Seeds of a late variety, more resistant than other plants of the same family. The plant is climbing, and generates very long pods, which can exceed 40 cm and are dark green in color. When very mature, they can also have a string. 
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Seeds of a dwarf species, with an early cycle. The pods generated are cylindrical and green, and at full maturity turn yellow. Seeds are elongated in shape and whitish in color. 
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Seeds of a vigorous and high-yielding species. The plant, of the climbing type, is very resistant and can be cultivated both in greenhouse and in open field. The pods, green in color, exceed 25 cm in length, and the seeds are white.
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Seed of a long cycle variety. The seed is salmon-colored, with brown streaks. First harvest takes place 80 days after sowing, which is carried out from April to June.
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Seeds of a very productive and vigorous variety that generates very large pods. The green beans are elongated in shape, bright green in color and stringless. The plant can be grown in a greenhouse or in open fields. 
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Variety that requires a mild climate, as it is extremely sensitive to cold. The resulting celery, with its characteristic umbrella shape, has long green stalks with many brightly colored leaves.
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Seeds of a variety which can be cultivated even in cold periods. Celeriac is a variant of ribbed celery, and the part that is usually consumed is its root.
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Seeds of an ancient Piedmontese variety, improved in time thanks to the French variety of violet celery. The fruit develops with an erect stalk and resists well to both heat and cold. The color is red-purple, with white nuances towards the ends. Its leaves are green like common celery.
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The plant is vigorous and productive, and generates long sized pods, containing approximately 8 grains each. The fava bean has a sweet and tender flavor and is suitable for a variety of dishes.
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Quite herbaceous plant, perfect to be cultivated any time of the year. Shallots are used to flavor many dishes and sometimes it replaces onion in the famous "soffritto".
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Seeds of a vigorous and productive kind, very resistant to the oxidation that comes after the harvest. The plant, on average high and upright, has a shape similar to a small tree and needs to be exposed for a long time under the sun. The fruit is round and its color is black/purple.
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These seeds have good vigor, and produces a large quantity of eggplant in the summertime. Species designed for small spaces, eggplants reach just 7 cm in length and become on a black-purple color. It can be cultivated both in pots and in open fields, however it must be necessarily exposed to sunlight as much as possible. 
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Seeds of a plant with a tall habit that generates eggplants with an elongated shape, and a very dark pigmentation that tends to glossy black once the fruit reaches the ripening stage. This variety of eggplant can reach approximately 25 cm in length.
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Seeds of a vigorous and productive species. The plant is medium-tall and has an erect, sapling-shaped habit. For its ideal development, the plant requires prolonged exposure to heat sources and the sun. The eggplants acquire a purplish-black color and a round shape. Species that has a high resistance to post-harvest oxidation.
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Seeds of a highly productive species. The plant is hardy, with opaque leaves. Eggplants have a round shape and reach up to 600 grams in weight. The peculiarity of this variety is the white color with lilac nuances. The fruit has a white pulp, delicate and sweet.
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Seeds of a very hardy plant of medium vigor. Eggplants have an elongated oval shape, and are completely white. The fruit reaches approximately 23 cm in length, has few seeds and has a sweet flavor.
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Seeds of a very productive plant, even at high temperatures. It requires a rich fertilization in order to guarantee a perfect development. Eggplants have a bright lilac color, a round shape and reach 400 grams of weight. Inside, the fruit is white and remains so even after cooking.
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Seeds of a very high quality species, requiring transplanting in the greenhouse from February to March and then in the open field in the following months until July. Eggplants are large, round in shape and dark purple in pigmentation. The pulp of the fruit is white in color, firm and delicate. This vegetable has excellent nutritional values, a sweet...
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Seeds of an upright plant, very productive and moderately early.Hybrid variety that is suitable for both greenhouse and open field cultivation. The eggplants have an oval and elongated shape and are completely white. The fruit has a fleshy texture and an excellent flavor.
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Seeds of a vigorous species, which generates tapered eggplants of a glossy purplish-black color. This vegetable can reach 25 cm in length and 200 grams in weight. Thanks to its sweet flavor, it is appreciated for frying, preserved in oil or in parmigiana. 
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Seeds of a very productive and late plant that produces aubergines of a dark purple color and bright. Rich in minerals and antioxidants, these eggplants can reach almost 30 cm in length and weigh up to 200 grams. They have a not very thorny calyx and belong to the Rimini variety, they are suitable for cultivation both in open fields and in greenhouses....
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Seeds of a grafted variety that is hardy and productive.The plant, of medium size, prefers a soil rich in organic substance and well drained. Eggplants have an ovoid shape, with slight ribbing and have a white color. The plant produces pulpy fruits having a delicate taste.
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Seeds of a medium yielding species that generates excellent quality aubergines, with an excellent consistency and pulp with few seeds. They have a sweet and delicate flavor and lend themselves well to low-calorie and summer diets. The shape is oval and slightly elongated, the dominant color is white but with pink streaks. Their pulp is dense and soft....
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Seeds of a very vigorous species known as a local variety, produce a large quantity of typically oval and elongated eggplant. Their color is violet and can weigh up to 300 grams. They have a thin skin and soft and tasty pulp, this variety is used in the preparation of numerous baked first courses, gratinated side dishes, but they are also enjoyed...
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Striped oval eggplant seeds are a very productive, vigorous and covering species. It is a late cycle hybrid variety that is adapted to both open field and greenhouse cultivation. Eggplants have an elongated oval shape, a white coloring with many purple streaks and reach a large size.
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It is a very productive plant, with an erect habit. It has a great adaptability, being perfect both for greenhouse and open field cultivation. Eggplants are large in size, and acquire a very dark and brilliant purple color. This vegetable is very versatile in cooking. 
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Seeds of an erect plant, very vigorous and productive which requires an adequate fertilization in order to guarantee a perfect development. Eggplants reach medium size, about 25 cm in length and 200 grams in weight. The shape is ovoid-elongated, and the coloring is black-purple.
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Seeds of a vigorous plant, with an upright habit and well-covering foliage. Eggplants have a round-oval shape, are slightly ribbed and large. Their typical color is white, with irregular shades of pink. The flavor of the eggplant of this variety is typically sweeter than others. It is advisable to harvest before the fruit hardens, to taste it without...
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Seeds of a productive and resistant variety. The aubergines of this variety have a length of about 25 cm and weigh 200/300 gr, have a cylindrical shape and have a typical color tending to mauve. Their pulp has a golden white color and excellent flavor. It is possible to sow both in greenhouses and in open fields.
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Seeds of a productive and strong variety. The aubergines they produce have an elongated shape and a black and shiny color. It can reach 25 cm in length and has a slightly bulbous shape. Suitable for cultivation in the open field even if they can give excellent results even in pots.
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Seeds of a hybrid variety of the Rimini type, with an early cycle, are suitable for cultivation in greenhouses and in the field. The fruits can reach between 20 and 25 cm in length, have an elongated shape and are of a shiny black color, with a white, consistent pulp and with slow development of the seeds. The plant has a high productivity.
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Rania oval striped eggplant seeds are a late cycle hybrid variety. Ideal for planting in the vegetable garden, this variety needs soil that is well drained and where water stagnation does not occur. The plant is vigorous, covering and very productive. The pulp is tender, with few seeds and sweet taste. The peel, of light purple color, has some...
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Striped lilac stick oval eggplant seeds are a productive variety whose plant can reach up to 2 meters/ 8 feet tall. These fruits are not bitter, they have a tender skin and few seeds and characteristic white streaks on the skin. Eggplants with an oval shape, slightly elongated, can be harvested when they are small enough or left on the plant until fully...
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Dante round lilac eggplant seeds are a variety of round fruit, slightly ribbed. This variety of eggplant is typical of central Italy and in particular of the Florentine area. A large fruit with a delicate flavor, it has a low presence of seeds and is excellent to be prepared on the grill.
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Tomato eggplant seeds are a typical variety of southern Italy. It is a particular species of eggplant having a shape similar to tomato. Berries, of small size, can reach a width of 9 cm and weigh up to 200 grams each. At the beginning of ripening orange color, at full ripening bright orange color tending to shiny red. They have a rounded and flattened...
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Giant black oval eggplant seeds are an early variety with high productivity. Fruits are thornless, with fleshy firm  and very few seeds. Eggplants can exceed 800gr of weight. The plant is easy to grow.
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Cluster eggplant seeds in oil is a very productive variety.  It is a compact plant that produces small fruits, with an elongated shape and a maximum length of 8/10 cm, ideal to be preserved in oil. Sowing takes place between February and April and harvesting between July and October.
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Genovese basil is a variety very appreciated for its aroma, for this reason it is widely used in cooking. It has a tree shape, small-medium sized leaves, with an intense green color which can be used fresh or preserved in oil or in the freezer.
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These seeds are easy to cultivate and do not require many cares. They require a fresh soil, to be regularly watered in a moderate way and to be always exposed to sunlight. The name comes from the fact the leaves of this variety are wide and green just like lettuce. 
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These seeds are very productive. The plant is known to have many red colored leaves, pleasantly aromatic to the smell. This variety needs a long exposure to sun and heat sources. It must be watered frequently but without exaggerating.
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Variant of basil which resembles lemon in terms of aftertaste and scent. This feature makes it ideal to flavor dishes that require both ingredients. The plant is very high-yielding and has oval leaves.
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Productive, annual plant with an erect stem. The leaves have a green color that fades to purple. The flowers, which are also purple, have an excellent scent.
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