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Summer vegetable seeds

These are seeds of a variety that can be cultivated especially in summer. It is ideal for sowing in the vegetable garden or in the open field. The leaves are bright green, slightly curled on the final widening. They are crisp and have a delicate flavor.
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It is a very common species and simple to cultivate, as it does not need particular cares. The plant is also used to enrich the soil with nitrogen because it is a fixative. Pods are of medium size, deep green in color and peas are small and round.
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These are seeds of a very hardy variety that needs very little care. Sowing takes place in autumn/winter and harvesting takes place about 2 months after transplanting in the ground. It is suitable for sowing in vegetable garden or open field, it is not recommended sowing in pots. The plant tolerates cold well and does not like heat and drought. Fruits...
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These are seeds of a very productive variety. This variety with abundant production and rather grouped produces large light green pods with brown seeds speckled with purple. The sowing period is from February to November and the harvesting period is from April to July. It needs a very rich soil, wants sun exposure and is ideal for vegetable garden...
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This is a herbaceous perennial variety that can grow up to 50 cm tall. The leaves have a dark green color and jagged stems. They have a typically sour taste, but rich in vitamins and minerals.
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This is a very suitable variety for planting between February and October. It needs a prolonged exposure to heat sources, sheltered in the coldest months. The leaves have a bright green color at the peak of maturity, are elongated and jagged and are tasty.
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This is a fast-growing variety with a good yield when watered frequently, but not very resistant to high temperatures. Spinach is rich in minerals, vitamins and iron. The leaves are green and small to medium in size.
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It is a variety characteristic for its relaxing effects. It has flowers gathered together with a pleasant fragrance and an erect stem with full or serrated leaves with a deep green pigmentation.
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A traditional kitchen staple, white garlic has a very unique taste and many beneficial properties : it is in fact renowned for its antioxidant, antibiotic and anti-parasitic properties. Each bulb, white in color, contains between 6 and 14 cloves.
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This species comes from Sulmona and has a white, almost pink, skin over bright red cloves. Compared to traditional garlic, this species ripens almost a month later. 
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Seeds of an excellent variety. Garlic is huge in size compared to other varieties, and has a decidedly milder flavor. Each head of garlic can reach up to 800 grams in weight. Harvesting takes place between June and July. 
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Very high-yielding plant, perfect for both greenhouse and open field cultivation. Radishes, in order to be completely ripe, must be harvested between April and July, when they have beautiful and lively leaves, and must not be wilted. Fruits are small and round, with a pinkish color tending to red. 
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